Here is a little update on what has been happening. Jason and I celebreted our year Anniversary on the 10th. We had a nice relaxing gettaway for the weekend which was much needed. I felt really bad because my blood pressure had gone up and I had lots of swelling in my legs and feet from a roadtrip to Indiana. My grandmother passed away and I attended her funeral. It was really good to be able to go. It was nice to be there for my Dad and see people that I haven't seen in 10 yrs. Along with that our house is going to be finished this month. We are way EXCITED! It has been a rough go and Jason really should take all the credit. Things haven't really gone that smoothe but we love our new home. I am not good at taking pictures but I do have some. Also, our little guy is doing great. I feel him move all the time and I love it. Jason finally got to feel him kick the other night. I have been trying so hard to get him to feel him. We are slowly preparing for his arrival. We have thrown out a few names here and there but nothing really yet. I kinda wanna look at him first and make sure that his name fits.
This is my belly at about 24 weeks. I swear its really huge at night time. The students are starting to ask me at school. They are so cute. They tell me what to name him. They are getting to be really helpful when I drop things on the ground Which is quite often.
Torie and Haley in the back seat of the car that we rode in. I think we all tried to do some sleep we were quite snug in the car. Between everybody we had 4 laptops.

My mom watching a movie and eating a yummy cookie that Tasha made for us. Thanks Tasha for the cookies they were really good. Brandon told everyone you were a good cook. :)

Torie and Kylee (aka "the screamer") She is known for that name from the Sturdevant side of the family. I think she has grown out of it. We love you Ky! Also, some old dudes at Cracker Barrel asked if she was related to Paris Hilton. What? No lie. We all got a good laugh from it. Go Kylee!

Dinner the first night we were there. All of my Dad's siblings were there. Except for his brother Donnie that passed away a few years ago.

Torie and our cousin Zach. He was a hoot and a little to smart for his own good. He couldn't remember peoples names so he made up his own. He has lots of energy and a big heart.
FINALLY! Pictures of the house.

This is our fireplace and a glimpse of the couches.

The lovely kitchen. I really do love our kitchen and I love our cabinets. Everything's has worked out nicely. Can't wait till I can live there.