Mr. and Mrs. Crozier! It finally has come, February 10th Jason and I were sealed for time and all eternity. It was such a perfect day. We were surrounded by friends and family; and couln't ask for more. The day was perfect and everything went so well. The ceremony was just wonderful, and there were so many great things that were said. We are so blessed and want to thank all who came. We love you! The reception was beautiful. Thanks to my Aunts, and sisters, and sister in-laws, and Mom it turned out beautiful. I have so many talented people in my family. They did such a wonderful job that Jason didn't even know it was in a Gym.

Every day I learn more about why I love this man. I am so blessed to have such a perfect companion who is perfect for me. I am so thankful for all he does. I can't believe he puts up with me and is so patient.