Jason and I decided to go to the Manti Pageant. It was so much fun. It was great to see something churchy for a change. It was funny to see the prtestsors there and I was reminded about how strong my testimony is and that I need to continue to keep it strong. It reminded me of times when I was on my mission and how my testimony was strengthened. It was a trip that I enjoyed.
This is Jason and I driving to the Manti Pageant. He was so good about drivin all the way there and back. I felt so bad because I kept falling asleep on him.
We had to stand at the gates to wait to be let in. I wish I would have gotten it on video. The people that work there tell you not to run when the gates are opened up. I kid you not. There were grown adults running to get there seats. I was laughing so hard. I could not believe that.
This was the temple all lit up, before the pageant was about to begin. It is so beautiful.
My family did the Relay For Life again this year. It was still cold like it
was last year and we did it at the first of June again. I think all had a great time. I had just a few shots that I took.
My Mom and I bought camo hats because our theme was camouflage. Kayle was so cute with here shirt. She got lots of treats that night. Including cotton candy from me. We love her to death.
This is for the bag ceremony where we light up our bags for those who we are honoring that night. We recognize those who survived and those who did not.
What beautiful Girls! Even the prago one. I can't wait till that babe gets here.
This is Torie and I at the falls... I am not very good at taking pictures. I need to do better at taking more and getting my camera out.
This is for you Clayton. Lauren was trying to get a good picure of him and her in front of the temple. I liked the picture and wanted to get one. I ended up with one of him. ha ha ha......
This is Idaho falls. It was really fun to go with my family and Hang Out with Brandon, Tasha, and the baby. This was at the temple.
Here is a picture of Jason. We went on a hike called the Natural Bridge. We thought this was it and we thought it was so lame. We found out that if we kept hiking we would get to it. After getting lost a few times we finally made it.
This is when I went to Capitol Reef with Jason. I had tons of fun, it was just a spontaneous road trip that we did.
I saw Kylee wearing this wone day and thought it was so funny. She wore this all the time when she was little.